Bird's Eye View News

Blood, Sweat, and Cheers: The Medical Advocacy Club at Head-Royce


“Medical Advocacy is the paragon of a student club,” remarked Nancy Feidelman, Director of the Center for Community Engagement. “它有多个分支,它的领导鼓励其他学生在提供指导的同时承担项目的所有权.“你甚至可以说这家俱乐部有点像虚构的足球中场, 罗伊·肯特, in the series Ted Lasso; it’s here, it’s there…well, you probably know the rest!

阿什利·L. '26 coordinated the Blood Drive and donated.

     阿什利·L. '26 helped coordinate the
     Blood Drive then donated.

2月初,俱乐部在社区活动室举办了一次献血活动,由会员阿什利·L. 它收集了足够让吸血鬼昏厥的重要液体,并挽救了多达93条生命. In the Lower School, with guidance from club Co-President 马太福音 W. ’24, members Jonathan E. ’26 and Camilla M. 在一年级学生的帮助下,27带领团队组装了130多个欢迎包裹,送到奥克兰儿童医院,让新入院的病人有宾至如归的感觉. 看看 a wonderful video about the welcome packages project filmed and edited by Lukas D. ’25, one of the club’s two social media managers. Additionally, Medical Advocacy Club leadership along with Saskia S. ’24—who also serves as social media manager—brought Swab4USA, a student-led Be the Match initiative, 以Swab4HRS的身份来到校园,帮助增加血液干细胞和骨髓捐献者的登记. 他们还在开发一门面向低年级学生的健康课程. And that’s only some of what they’ve done.

The sheer number of projects they have organized, considering these students also take seven classes, participate in athletics, student government, fine and performing arts programs, and maybe even have a part-time job, is bewildering to us mere mortals. 

“校园里有一场医疗倡导运动,我把它归功于学生的领导!” exclaimed Ms. Feidelman. “它不仅是如此周到和强大,而且还沉浸在导师的指导下,这将确保其可持续性.”

马太福音 W. '24, Medical Advocacy 共同主持, donating blood.

     马太福音 W. '24,
     Medical Advocacy
     donated blood.

咪咪Y. ’24, one of the two co-chairs of the Medical Advocacy Club

    咪咪Y. ’24, one of
    the two co-chairs of
    the Medical
    Advocacy Club.

This year’s team is headed by 马太福音 W. ’24 and 咪咪Y. ’24, 两位热衷于为他人的生活带来积极影响的大四学生, including their successors. 他们自信地将这个蓬勃发展的组织的治理交给了高年级社区中更年轻但同样积极参与的成员. ’26 and Ebube O. ’25. This is not luck; it’s leadership.

马修和米米今年从Iyobosa Enabulele手中接管了这个俱乐部。Iyobosa Enabulele现年23岁,现在是斯坦福大学精神病学和行为科学系人类生物学的理学学士候选人和脑动力学实验室的研究助理。他们都把参与这个俱乐部的兴趣归因于Iyobosa的领导. According to Ms. Feidelman who has counseled the club since its inception in 2021, Iyobosa在其前任的基础上扩大了俱乐部的范围,因为她对研究健康的社会决定因素很感兴趣, 了解它们是什么,以及如何通过改变行为来改善健康, and then teaching what was learned to younger students. 米米和马修去年帮助向七年级学生传授了俱乐部的健康课程.

从马修和咪咪一直主持的注册活动,到他们在高中会议上发表的每周俱乐部公告, I witnessed the love and care they poured into Swab4HRS. During my senior year, 我毫不怀疑,他们会以同样的爱和热情发展医疗倡导组织. 在过去的一年里,看着他们领导医疗倡导真的是一种荣誉和荣幸,” Iyobosa reflected.

Jonathan E. '26 explains his passion for Medical Advocacy is personal.

    Jonathan E. '26
    explained that his
    passion for Medical
    Advocacy is personal.

While leadership has been an enticement for some members, each has had their own reason for becoming involved. Jonathan E. ’26 took up the call through a deeply personal experience. 乔纳森被增加骨髓捐赠者数量的机会所吸引——两年前,他能够把骨髓捐赠给他的哥哥特里斯坦——他通过Swab4HRS项目参与了进来. 这个医疗倡导倡议是从一个名为Swab4USA的全国性努力中分离出来的, a student-led organization created to support Be the Match, 这是一个全国性的非营利组织,通过将血液干细胞和骨髓捐赠者与有需要的患者相匹配,帮助治愈包括白血病和淋巴瘤等血癌在内的70多种疾病. When Tristan needed a bone marrow transplant, Jonathan was a match, 他经历了拯救生命的过程,为他的兄弟采集了自己的骨髓. “在我的生活发生了如此剧烈的变化之后,我意识到我现在想做更多的事情,”他分享道. 

的咪咪, working together with 马太福音 was part of the attraction, as was the scope of the organization. 感谢Iyobosa去年将项目扩展到不同部门的努力, Mimi wanted to build on that framework, noting the work they had done last  year with Middle School students. 毫不奇怪,她有兴趣在大学里攻读医学,并正在考虑儿科学.

卡米拉反映,与校园其他俱乐部的交叉合作是充实的,对她来说, 成为海德罗伊斯最富有成效的俱乐部之一的一员是非常令人满意的. Though she feels more attracted to law than medicine, 她肯定她有兴趣继续参与俱乐部,并继续倡导更好的健康. 

马太福音, an unpretentious source of strength on the team, echoed Mimi’s sentiment, 注意到Iyobosa已经奠定了如此坚实的基础,他想继续将医疗倡导项目带到其他部门, including Lower School, “to impact as many people as possible.” 马太福音 beamed as he explained all that they have accomplished, 分享他对推出一项新的健康计划的兴奋,他们为四年级学生开发了一项新的健康计划,教他们四个健康领域:心理健康, 物理, intellectual, and social. He’s also proud that they have “such a strong team of future leaders.” He too is considering pursuing family medicine or psychology in college.

研究一致表明,由充满激情的青年领袖推动的举措不仅提高了认识,而且还积极促进社区内更好的卫生做法和成果. 海德罗伊斯的医疗倡导俱乐部体现了青年倡导的变革力量. 在Nancy Feidelman这样的导师的指导下,在Iyobosa Enabulele这样的前领导人的激励下, 像马修和米米这样的现任领导人继续为后代铺平道路. Their commitment to expanding health education, promoting wellness, 培养一种同情和服务的文化为全世界的青年倡导树立了一个强有力的先例. As they pass on their legacy to younger members, the impact of the Medical Advocacy Club will endure, leaving a lasting imprint on the Head-Royce community and beyond.

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